Wonders of Nature
In dit deel van de website richten we onze aandacht op meteoren, in de volksmond ook wel "vallende sterren" geheten.
Het is mijn eerste en zeer intensief beoefende tak van de astronomie.
Kleine stofdeeltjes afkomstig van kometen treden de aardse dampkring binnen op een hoogte van ongeveer 100 kilometer.
These kleine deeltjes branden in een fractie van een seconde op maar soms verschijnt er een heel heldere, ook wel vuurbol genoemd.
Deze fraaie meteoren hebben nalichtende sporen die soms meerdere seconden zichtbaar blijven.
Mijn voornaamste interesse is het fotographisch vastleggen van deze snelle lichtflitsen aan de nachtelijke sterrenhemel.
De meeste meteoren waarnemingscampagnes en expedities werden uitgevoerd in nauwe samenwerking met de Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
Op 7 oktober 2008 viel Asteroid 2008 TC3 in de Nubische woestijn in Sudan en wij gingen op onderzoek uit!
- 2009: Asteroid 2008 TC3 - conference - recovery - site seeing - Almahata Sitta, Nubian Desert, Sudan
- 2007: Geminids, Public Observatory Halley, Heesch, Netherlands (Video by Roy Keeris)
- 2006: Leonids, Baza, Andalucia, Spain "crash" Expedition
- 2004: Geminids, Kahler Asten, Winterberg, Germany and some images of this very succesful Geminids 2004 Expedition
- 2004: Perseids, Netherlands, Germany, Romania and some images of the Perseids 2004 Expedition to Darmanesti and Corbasca, Romania (Video from Darmanesti and Video from Corbasca)
- 2003: Quadrantids, several locations in the Netherlands
- 2002: Leonids, Rodalquilar, Andalucia and a lot of fine images of this late Leonids 2002 Expedition to Otura and Rodalquilar, Andalucia, Spain
- 2002: Perseids, several locations in the Netherlands
- 2001: Geminids, several locations over Belgium and the Netherlands
- 2001: Leonids, Xining, China and some images of this second Sino-Dutch Leonids Expedition 2001 in Xinglong, Miyun and PanShan in China
- 2001: Lyrids, Visual observations and Lyrids 2001, Photographic observations in The Netherlands and Spain
- 2000: Ursids, many locations in the Netherlands and elsewhere
- 2000: Leonids, The Netherlands and Spain and some images of the Leonids 2000 Expedition in the Houdringebos, De Bilt, the Netherlands
- 2000: Perseids, many locations in the Netherlands
- 1999: Leonids, Xálo, Spain and some images of this Leonids 1999 Expedition to Xalo, Spain
- 1999: Perseids, many locations all over Europe
- 1998: Leonids, Delingha, China and some images of this extraordinairy Sino-Dutch Leonids 1998 Expedition and two films compiled by Romke Schievink: Leonids 1998 in China, part 1 and Leonids 1998 in China, part 2
- 1998: Draconids, visual and radio-observations from several locations over the Netherlands
- 1997: Perseids, many locations all over the Netherlands
- 1996: Geminids, many locations all over the Netherlands
- 1996: Leonids, Sexbierum, the Netherlands and Woignarue, France
- 1996: Perseids, many locations in the Netherlands and in Germany
- 1996: Lyrids, Biddinghuizen, Leiden, Benningbroek, the Netherlands
- 1995: Alfa Monocerotids, Alcudia de Guadix, Andalucia
- 1995: Leonids, Alcudia de Guadix, Andalucia and some images of this fine Leonids 1995 Expedition to Andalucia, Spain
- 1995: Perseids, Varsseveld, Rha, Oostkapelle, Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands
- 1993: Perseids, Rognes, Provence and some images of this very first Perseids 1993 Expedition to Rognes, Provence, France
- 1992: Perseids, Basel, Germany
- 1990: Geminids, Lardiers, Provence - the very first extremely succesful international multi-station Geminid expedition!
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